Monday, August 13, 2007

Radical Evolution

As I sit here with my new external hard drive backing up my files, I'm going to try and bang out some thoughts about Radical Evolution.

To start off, it was a pretty good book. It was chock full of incredibly interesting information which will change the way you think about the world. I can not wait to discuss this book in class for I am sure it will spawn some excellent debates about the direction and future of what it means to be human. Technology is rapidly changing our definition of human with the advent of artificial intelligence, gene therapy, and other super technologies, and Mr. Garreau knows this and wants to tell you about it before its too late and your caught by the impending tidal wave of the technological revolution!

What Mr. Garreau does not know is how to stay on topic for more than a page or two. I was very interested in what he was writing, but he moved from one anecdote to another to another with seemingly no connection between them. It was difficult to stay interested for more than ten or fifteen pages at a time unfortunately, which was a shame considering the gravity of his message. I made it though, and I'm glad I persevered.

It actually feels good to do summer reading for a class, but it is now time to move on to something hopefully more entertaining. I've been avoiding reading Pride and Prejudice since I tried reading the first two chapters of it for class in the tenth grade. I still managed a strong B on all the tests and quizzes involving it, but I avoided reading it once I realized what it was about. Well, I'm back to it now. As a favor to Kelsey I am going to buck up and give it another go. I am reserving my impressions, thoughts, critiques, and judgments until it is completed, but I can already tell you I will be passionate one way or another about this book, and I am only ten chapters into it.

I will say one thing though, Mr. Bennett is the hero of the novel. If he does not wind up being the true hero, he will always be my hero.

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