Monday, September 10, 2007


For those of you lacking in experience with seventies progressive rock, Yes is the place to be when delving into the genre. Coming from across the pond they brought with them a dynamic sense of what rock is all about. From their multi-movement songwriting style to their odd time signatures and instrumental virtuosity their approach is hard to mimic for both its simplicity and its infusion of raw talent.

I found out today that Yes makes for very good programming music when I finished off a project for my Applied Algorithms class to their Ultimate Yes CD. Even their greatest hits is composed as an album rather than as a collection of songs, kind of like Pink Floyd's Echoes. James really introduced me to them when he randomly started dancing to "Roundabout" one evening and then let me rip their album(s).

I go through moods every once in awhile where I just can't get enough of "Starship Trooper," "Your Move," "Time and a Word," et al.

I'm sorry for the boring blogging delay. Sometimes, I am too busy living life to actively talk about it. You should listen to Yes regardless of my boring thoughts.

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